Participant Information

Parent/Guardian Information

Registration Information

*  If your session is SOLD OUT we encourage you to sign up for another session as every week of camp includes multiple Clay and Painting projects.  Limited spots are available so register today to secure your creative seat! 

Give the gift of registration with a voucher for a friend

We will send an email with the voucher code. It will expire on December 31st, 2024.


Medical Information

In the event of a medical emergency, please provide the following pertinent health information:

Please list the medication name(s), instructions, times administered and whether it can be held in the care of STAFF or CAMPER.

If your child has no medication needs type N.A.

Is there any additional information staff should know about to ensure your child has a safe and fun summer at camp?

If not, type N.A.

Does your child have any specific needs or require accommodations to fully participate in the program?

Pick up Authorization

List YOURSELF and anyone authorized to pick up your child (i.e. relatives, carpool drivers, babysitters, etc.)

Please include: Name, Relationship to participant and Phone Number.

I accept responsibility for abiding by the policies in this Foundry Art Camp Program Parent/Guardian Manual.

I agree to make myself and my child familiar with all policies and information contained in the Manual.

I acknowledge I have read, understand and agree I am solely financially responsible for the emergency medical care and transportation of my child in the event of a medical emergency.

I acknowledge that this Manual is not a contract, creates no legal obligations upon the City of St. Charles or the Foundry Art Centre, and creates no legal rights of a parent or child participating in these programs.

I and my child agree to abide by all rules and regulations set forth by the City of St. Charles and the Foundry Art Centre.

I hereby give The Foundry Art Centre or persons(s) or agencies operating in its authorized behalf complete permission to take (me/my child) on any outing which is planned and supervised by the Foundry Art Centre and to take (me/my child) to and from designated program sites. Scheduled programs and/or locations are subject to change without prior notification.

In the event that I, or one of the Primary, Secondary, or Emergency Contacts listed above cannot be reached, I hereby give permission to transport via ambulance to the nearest emergency room, which is SSM St. Joseph's or other medical facility deemed necessary by medical personnel and to the physician(s) selected to hospitalize, secure proper treatment for, and to order injection, anesthesia or surgery for my child as named above. I AGREE THAT I (parent/guardian) AM RESPONSIBLE FOR 100% OF THE COST REGARDLESS IF MY CHILD IS TREATED AT OR BY MEDICAL CARE THAT IS IN OR OUT-OF-NETWORK..

I grant to The Foundry Art Centre (St Charles, MO) and/or the Greater Saint Charles Convention & Visitors Bureau, their representatives, and employees the right to take photographs of me, my children, and my property in connection with classes and programs, during sponsored Foundry Art Camp activity. I agree that The Foundry Art Centre (St Charles, MO) and/or the Greater Saint Charles Convention & Visitors Bureau, their assigns, and transferees, may use and publish the photographs of me for any lawful purposes (including but not limited to event publicity, illustration, advertising, and Web content), whether in print and/or electronically, with or without my name. There will be no financial payment to me for use of my or my camper’s image.

I have read and understand the Foundry Art Camp Program Participant Code of Conduct and the Parent Manual, that (me/my child) will be expected to adhere to the best of their abilities at all times. Violent or aggressive behavior, leaving camp premises, or any situations deemed unsafe by staff towards one's self, another child, or staff member may result in the immediate dismissal of the child from the Foundry Art Camp. If the child is dismissed from the Program, no refund of fees will be made.

The following corrective actions may be taken to address inappropriate conduct. The severity of the conduct determines the corrective action:
1) Verbal reminder for inappropriate conduct
2) Verbal warning to correct inappropriate conduct
3) Disciplinary action commensurate with the inappropriate conduct. Disciplinary action may consist of: picking up trash or activity supplies, an oral or written apology to make amends.
4) Staff supervised time away from the activity or group.
5) Camper meets with Education Coordinator to correct behavior. If this level of discipline occurs, an incident report is prepared, parent called and the parent/guardian must sign the report the day the child is picked up from camp stating they will address behavior.
6) Telephone call or meeting with the parent/guardian and child informing them that if behavior continues they may be dismissed from camp.
7) A meeting with the child, staff, and Education Coordinator to re-sign Code of Conduct or discuss corrective action.
8) If a child damages property as the result of inappropriate conduct, the parent/guardian is financially responsible for the damage.

I understand (I/my child) can be excluded at any time during the program by the Foundry Art Centre staff if it is judged that (I/my child) (have\has) hampered the safety, welfare or enjoyment of other participants in the program.

Use your cursor to sign.

How do you hear about Foundry Art Camp?

Withdrawal & Refund

Notice of withdrawal must be sent to [email protected] a minimum of 14 days prior to the start date in order to receive a refund (minus the registration fee of $20). The Foundry will not refund or credit for camps missed due to illness or health, personal schedule conflict, travel, or other reasons. There is not a schedule to allow for students to make-up or attend missed classes. If your camper is unable to attend, please contact the Foundry immediately.


Your contribution makes it possible for the Foundry Art Centre to serve the greater St. Louis area through arts and culture. You're support helps fund exhibitions, events, and educational programs. Became a part of the Foundry's legacy today!

Donations are tax deductible 


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  • American Express
  • Discover
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