Off The Block Print Show is the Foundry Art Centre's summer juried exhibition. Printmakers, print studios, and print collectives are all encouraged to apply. 

What constitutes a print that will be considered for this exhibition?
Any work created on one surface and then transferred to another, in a process which is repeatable thereby enabling the production of multiple impressions, such as woodcuts, lino-cuts, intaglio, engraving, etching, drypoint, mezzotint, planographic printing, lithography, and screen prints. Digital prints will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Application Deadline is April 1, midnight.

The Foundry's curatorial team and special juror (TBA) will review all applications after the deadline. (1) $200 Best of Show Award, (2) Awards of Excellence (non-cash), & (4) Honorable Mentions (non-cash)

The Foundry Art Centre will notify all applicants by April 14th of acceptance.


The application fee is $35, non-refundable. 

There is a 50%-50% commission split on all sales from the exhibition.

Application Deadline: April 1st, midnight
Artists Notified by: April 14th
Artwork Delivery: May 28-30th
Opening Reception: June 6th, 5-8pm
Artwork Return: July 21 - 23rd

By submitting images, you agree to allow the Foundry Art Centre to use images for marketing purposes only. 


By checking this box, I acknowledge that the application fee is non-refundable, even if I am not accepted into the Foundry's Off The Block juried exhibition.

Image Upload

Please upload 1-5 images of works that you would like to have considered for exhibition. 

Artwork must have been completed in the past two years and have not been previously shown at the Foundry Art Centre. 

Images should showcase the entire artwork. If you would like, you can include detail images in the supplemental image upload. 

Images should be at least 300 dpi and between 1,600 and 2,400 pixels on the largest side. 

Images should be saved as a .jpg or .png. 

Images should be labeled as Artist's Last Name, First Initial, and Artwork Title (abbreviated titles are acceptable.) Example: LastName_FirstInitial_Title.jpg 

NO HEIC files, please.

In the description, please include artwork title, year of creation, dimensions in inches (hxwxd), media, and price. Failure to include these items will disqualify the artwork from consideration.

Artwork Image 1

Artwork Image 2

Artwork Image 3 

Artwork Image 4

Artwork Image 5

Artist Information

Artist Contact Information


Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
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