Puppy Yoga

    Participant Information



    Liability Waiver Agreement
    GOOD PHYSICAL HEALTH: I represent and warrant that I am in good physical health and do not suffer from any medical condition which would limit my participation in the classes offered by Sarah’s Yoga Studio. Yoga is not a substitute for medical attention, examination, diagnosis or treatment. I understand that it is my responsibility to consult with a physician prior to and regarding my participation in any of the yoga classes, programs, or workshops. By signing, I affirm that a licensed physician has verified my good health and physical condition to participate. I understand the risks associated with the activities offered by Sarah’s Yoga Studio and I agree to follow all instructions so that I may safely participate in classes, workshops, or other activities. It is my responsibility to inform the instructor of my limitations before class begins.

    LIABILITY: I hereby WAIVE AND RELEASE Sarah’s Yoga Studio & its owners, officers, employees, collaborators, teammates, and instructors from any claim, demand, cause of action of any kind resulting from or related to my participation in the programs offered by Sarah’s Yoga Studio. In taking part in the Sarah’s Yoga Studio classes, workshops, or other activities, I understand and acknowledge that I am fully responsible for all risks, injuries, illness, or damages, known or unknown, which might occur as a result of my participation to me, my clothing, minor children, and/or my property. As is the case with any physical activity, the risk of injury, even serious or disabling, is always present and cannot be entirely eliminated. I will not do anything that I do not feel physically comfortable with. If I experience any pain or discomfort, I will listen to my body, discontinue the activity, and ask for support from the instructor.
    I am aware that the puppies, (although sweet and docile), are still animals that can pee, defecate, scratch, bruise, bite, etc. causing damage to me, minor children, and/or my property. I hereby agree to irrevocably release and waive any claims that I have now or may have hereafter against Sarah Judd or Sarah’s Yoga Studio, their teammates, and their collaborators.

    PHOTOGRAPHY: I understand that Sarah’s Yoga Studio, their teammates, and their collaborators may from time to time take photos and videos of their sessions for their website, social media, and/or advertising. I hereby grant permission for my image to be used for this purpose. I further understand that Sarah’s Yoga Studio and their collaborators are not responsible for photos and videos taken by other participants and bystanders that may contain my image.

    I have read and fully understand and agree to the above terms of this Liability Waiver Agreement.

    I grant to The Foundry Art Centre (St Charles, MO) and/or the Greater Saint Charles Convention & Visitors Bureau, their representatives, and employees the right to take photographs of me, my children, and my property in connection with classes and programs, during sponsored Foundry Art Centre activity. I agree that The Foundry Art Centre (St Charles, MO) and/or the Greater Saint Charles Convention & Visitors Bureau, their assigns, and transferees, may use and publish the photographs of me for any lawful purposes (including but not limited to event publicity, illustration, advertising, and Web content), whether in print and/or electronically, with or without my name. There will be no financial payment to me for use of my or my child's image.

    Your signature below designates your agreement to and understanding that you will not hold The Foundry Art Centre (St Charles, MO) and/or the Greater Saint Charles Convention & Visitors Bureau responsible for any physical injury that may occur during normal program activities, despite all precautions taken. It is also understood that you are assuming risk of exposure to COVID 19 by registering to participate in programs. In doing so you waive your right to make a legal claim against either The Foundry Art Centre (St Charles, MO) and/or the Greater Saint Charles Convention & Visitors Bureau in the event that any program participant becomes ill and agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless The Foundry Art Centre (St Charles, MO) and/or the Greater Saint Charles Convention & Visitors Bureau from any and all claims, liabilities, and damages that could be asserted by any person relating to your or your child's participation.

    I acknowledge I have read, understand and agree I am solely financially responsible for the emergency medical care and transportation of me or my child in the event of a medical emergency.

    Use your cursor to sign.

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